
Use the articles in my blog or on my web site at your own risk. The author is not a doctor and has no medical background or training. Statements and information regarding any products within this blog are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. See your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any medical concerns you have and before implementing any diet, supplement, exercise or other lifestyle changes.

August 24, 2014

Sunflower Wedding Cake for my Nephew & His Bride

Congratulations, Cole & Maddison!  It was really fun to make your wedding cake for you.  Thanks to my sister for helping me!  Family is awesome.  You make a very special couple and we are excited to welcome you to our family, Maddison!

The cake topper was used on my wedding cake 48 years ago and has been on every cake I have made for family members! 
A Fun Tradition!

June 24, 2014


As I was getting ready for work today I realized I had not shared this experience with my 'online readers'. Perhaps it is because it is embarrassing to talk about.

When I was very sick many years ago and had not been diagnosed yet with "Celiac Sprue" the 'Gluten Intolerance' disease that everyone is aware of now.  My doctor told me I also had "Aluminum Poisoning" or "Toxicity".   My doctor put me on a prescription to help my body "Detox" along with drinking a lot of water.   I smelled like an aluminum can for 3 days and was so sick with some of the symptoms I listed below in this article.  It was awful!

The cookware I was using was aluminum.  The deodorant I was using had aluminum in it.  We drink out of aluminum pop cans.   I decided to throw out all my aluminum cookware and stop using any products that contained aluminum.   I try to choose fountain drinks or beverages in plastic containers.

Luckily I didn't perspire a lot so I only used deodorant when I really needed it.   I started using coconut oil to keep my skin soft and one day decided to try it the arm pits too.   I love it!  I don't sweat or stink!  My clothes aren't stained and hopefully it will help avoid alzheimers and breast cancer, too.  Taking precautions is important to avoid going through Aluminum Poisoning!

If you have any of these symptoms, do not assume it is because of aluminum toxicity. These symptoms may be caused by other, less serious health conditions. If you experience any one of them, see your physician, especially if you have kidney disease or are on dialysis.
  • Confusion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone pain, deformities, and fractures
  • Seizures
  • Speech problems
  • Slow growth—in children
Complications may include:
  • Lung problems
  • Nervous system problems causing difficulty with voluntary and involuntary actions
  • Bone diseases
  • Brain diseases and disorders
  • Impaired iron absorption

April 1, 2014




Birthstone: diamond

She who from April dates her years,
Diamonds should wear, lest bitter tears
For vain repentance flow; this stone,
Emblem of innocence is known.  anon

4-1 APRIL FOOLS DAY - The first day of April, You may send a foo whither you will.  Thomas Fuller


 MARCH - Birthstone - aquamarine or bloodstone


Who in this world of ours their eyes, 
In March first open shall be wise, 
In days of peril firm and brave, 
And wear a bloodstone to their grave.  anon

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.  English Proverb

3-10-1876 Alexander Graham Bell made the first telephone call
3-13-1930 Discovery of the planet Pluto announced by American astronomer, Clyde Tombaugh
3-14-1879 Birth of Albert Einstein, German physicist
3-15-1767 Birth of Andrew Jackson, seventh US president
3-21-1685 Birth of Johann Sebastian Bach, German composer
3-29-1886 First batch of Coca-Cola brewed


Birthstone - amethyst

The February born will find
Sincerity and peace of mind;
Freedom from passion and from care
If they the amethyst will wear.  anon

Aquarius is an air sign.  Air signs are mentally active, rational and communicative.  Aquarius is a fixed sign.  These signs are steadfast sustainers.

Rain in February is as good as manure.  French Proverb
If February give much snow, A fine sumer it doth foreshow.  English Rhyme

2-7-1812 Birth of Charles Dickens, British novelist
2-22-1732 Birth of George Washington, first US President
2-24-1887 Paris and Brussels became the first two cities to be linked by telephone.


Birthstone - Garnet

By her who in this months is born,
No gems save garnets should be worn;
They will insure her constancy,
True friendship and fidelity.   anon

1-1-1735 Birth of Paul Revere, American patriot
1-5-1896 First demonstration of X-rays

EPIPHANY - 1-6 Twelfth night
And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshipped him.  Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.  Matthew II, 11

1-8-1935 Birth of Elvis Presley, American singer
1-10-1918 The US House of Representatives voted in favor of women's suffrage
1-17-1706 Birth of Benjamin Franklin, American scientist and statesman

February 19, 2014


Our grandson has been suffering from Ulcerative Colitis.  His ulcers are in the lower part of his large intestine so it is very difficult to treat.  If the bleeding is heavy you can bleed to death.  The following suggestions are worth trying when all else fails:

The number one goal is to keep the colin quiet and calm the body down.  Digestive enzymes are important.  Drinking Gateraid at least twice a day helps restore the water and electrolytes that are lost.  It is important to coat the bowels by increasing food intake to 4 or 5 small meals a day along with a protein drink.  A Probiotic is helpful also.

Volarian can be purchased at a Nutrition Store.  You can put a drop in a little bit of water and take it before going to bed.  You can use two drops if one drop isn't enough.

Chamomile Tea helps to calm the body down and can be drank a few times during the day.

1 tsp. of Colloidal Silver can be taken before eating.

Do not eat foods containing:
     Gluten, seeds, roughage which means any food that has to be chewed a long time such as lettuce & celery.  You can put those foods into a blender.  Do not eat any legumes such as beans, peas, carrots without blending them as the body can't break down the shell.  Do not eat bananas, peanuts or raw eggs.  The intestines are susceptible to diseases you get from eating raw eggs.  Do not eat artificial foods, sharp cheddar cheese and hot seasonings.

Eat more foods that are soft such as mashed potatoes, real butter, cottage cheese, custards.

Meal Replacement Protein Drinks help give you the nutrients you need.  Drinking them slowly during the day helps keep the intestinal tract coated.

Please let me know of any other ideas of things that might work for you.  We are open for any suggestions!

Email:  brenda.bailey.1@hotmail.com

February 2, 2014

7 Tips for Great Looking Facial Skin

In looking for beauty products that help my facial skin look young and vibrant, I have followed these 7 basic steps in how to properly care for my face.  I have used a numerous selection of different products, from expensive to not so expensive over the years and decided to share my basic ideas of my understanding about our facial skin.

1.  Cleansing our facial skin twice a day is so important.  I like a cleanser designed for the skin.
2.  Exfoliate 2 or 3 times a week using a facial scrub.   Tues. and Friday work well for me.
3.  Toning helps restore the skin's pH balance.  I use a toner after each cleanse twice a day.
4.  A renewal serum is good to use after the toner twice a day.
5.  Moisturizing twice a day with a day cream and a night cream help to keep your skin soft.
6.  Using a masque twice a week on opposite days as the facial scub.  The masque helps to tighten the skin           and get rid of extra dirt build up.  Sat. and Wed. work well for me.  
7.  Add Eye cream twice a day to keep the skin around the eyes from sagging. 

Hopefully, this will give you a guide to follow to keep your face looking young and healthy.

Questions? email brenda.bailey.1@hotmail.com

January 25, 2014


The first day on the job:  Do I get a discount on my phone service since I'm working here now?
The second day:  I have to pick my husband up at 2:00 pm so I will be about 10 or 15 minutes late...

The third day:  Phone call - I had to take my husband to the Emergency Room this morning but I will be able to work today...

The fourth day:  Had to pick her husband up so will be late...

The fifth day:  Came to the store to tell me she was getting sick.  I told her to go home as I didn't need to be exposed to whatever she had.   I am the only person running the store and I can't afford to get sick!

The sixth day: Called in sick but called me during the day to tell me she was going to the doctor; she was seeing the doctor; The doctor was running tests;  She had Strep and would be given an antibiotic.  Each phone call interrupted my busy day as I didn't have an employee!

Saturday and Sunday I worked extra hours to catch up.

Day seven:  Still sick

Day eight:  5 minutes late...I'm not getting food stamps anymore but I'd rather work!

Day nine:  15 minutes late.  Asked if she could work Saturday to make up the hours.  We aren't even open on Saturday's!  Took a personal phone call from her husband, leaving the sales floor for several minutes.

Day ten:  She asked if she could bring her laptop to work to do her homework as she was signing up for CNA classes.  I was dumbfounded and asked her why she would even ask that question.

Day eleven: She called at 2:00 p.m. to ask,  "Can I come in from 4 to 6 as I have to take my nephew to Twin.  I told her not to bother!

The problem is that she had excellent customer service skills but lacked 'work ethic'.

email brenda.bailey.1@hotmail.com with your comments!