
Use the articles in my blog or on my web site at your own risk. The author is not a doctor and has no medical background or training. Statements and information regarding any products within this blog are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. See your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any medical concerns you have and before implementing any diet, supplement, exercise or other lifestyle changes.

November 13, 2013


Emergencies can come into our lives in various way.  Our electricity goes off in a storm, death, illness, loss of employment and the list goes on and on.  The Boy Scout Motto is "Be Prepared!"  I think we should do everything we can to be prepared for all kinds of emergencies.

My husband and I have been as resourceful as possible over the years and there have been many times in our lives we have eaten out of our food storage or used money from our savings accounts to help us through hard times.

WATER: When we were first married our water pump would quit about 5 or 6 times a year for various reasons.  It only took the first time for me to realize I needed to have water stored.  I couldn't flush the toilet, wash messy kids faces, clean up spills off the floor etc. etc.  So I starting filling empty quart jars and gallon milk jugs with water before I put them back on the shelf.   The next time we were without water I was able to use the water storage and functioned all day as normal.  I would pour the water into the toilet as it was flushed.   I heated the water on the stove to wash dishes, clean children's dirty faces, and mop the floor.  The water was boiled before we drank it.  The point is, I was able to continue life because I had water storage.

CANDLES/KEROSENE LANTERN: Have you every been without electricity and wished you had candles and matches?  Candles can be part of your decor, placed in several rooms in your house.  Matches are in my top cupboard in the kitchen where I can find them in the dark.  Flashlights and new batteries are kept in a cupboard also and have come in handy many times.  I also keep a kerosene lantern full of kerosene on my bedroom dresser.  It puts out more light.  Every time I have to use them I think of my parents who didn't have electricity while they were growing up.  When my grandparents first got electricity, they left the lights on all day and all night as they were so excited to have light.

CLOTHES/BEDDING: Most people have enough clothing on hand to last for several years.  If a disaster comes you can make clothing to fit younger children out of the adult clothing.  Warm coats, blankets and quilts are essentials to keep us warm.  

COMMUNICATION:  A battery powered radio keeps you connected with the media.

COOKING: An outdoor grill is part of our everyday cooking as we can cook fat free and it's delicious.  Our grill has a side burner on it which is part of our storage as you can boil the water you have stored so you can drink it.  It is no different than cooking on the stove in your kitchen.  

food storageFOOD: Food storage has always been important in our family and has come in handy when medical bills are high, unexpected payments or repairs come up.   Our rule is to only store what we use so as we are buying groceries I include a few items to put on the shelf.  Keep watch for case good sales and buy in bulk when you can.

FIRST AID & SANITATION: It is really handy to have all of your first aid supplies in one place.  A box, basket, or a shelf in a closet.  When someone gets hurt everyone in the house knows where the first aid supplies are.

72 HOUR KITS: There are many people who have a backpack filled with essentials to last 72 hours for each member of their family.  In case they have to leave their homes each person is responsible to grab their 72 hour kit.  There are several lists available.  

Be prepared to make your life so much easier in an emergency!


November 3, 2013


Baileys One Stop: SIMPLY GLUTEN FREE: I noticed a magazine in the grocery store "SIMPLY GLUTEN FREE" and am so excited to pass this information on to all of you 'g...


I noticed a magazine in the grocery store "SIMPLY GLUTEN FREE" and am so excited to pass this information on to all of you 'gluten free' people.  

I especially liked the article "Leaky Gut Syndrome", something I haven't heard about before.  The article is written by Dr. Alexander Shikhman, founder of the Institute for Specialized Medicine.  He is board certified in internal medicine and rheumatology.  Dr. Shikhman also launched Gluten-Free Remedies, a line of all natural supplements which help treat the complications that can arise from celiac disease.

The link to his website is http://www.ifsmed.com/

October 27, 2013


It was 10:00 pm on a Thursday night I went out my back door to turn the water off on my flowers and heard a bunch of baby kittens meowing very loudly.  I went back into the house and asked my husband, “Did you know we had baby kittens?”  He replied, “Well, I knew our grandma cat was pregnant but didn't know where they were.

He came outside with flashlights to find them in the corner under the deck which is about 8 feet deep.  Finding a long handled fish net drug them out from under the deck.  There were five baby kittens just old enough to have their eyes open.  He said he would go look for the grandma cat while I figured out what to do.

I hurried to warm some milk, find a syringe and try to feed them.  They were starving and so I proceeded to force the milk down them.   After getting them fed I found a large plastic bowl and put an old towel in the bottom of it.  A little more milk and they settled down falling asleep.

My husband came back with the bad news that the mother cat had been killed out on the road in front of our farm.  I thought, “This won’t be too bad as they are about two weeks old already and it won’t be long before they are eating food.”  Little did I know about how much work a mother cat goes through!

During the night I got up several times to see if they were hungry again, only to find them still sleeping so I thought, “Hum…This isn't going to be too bad as they had slept all night.”

Friday morning I changed the towel, fed them some more milk and got ready for work.  Then I realized I was going to have to take them to work with me as I couldn't leave them home all day.  It is a good thing I own my own business and have an extra bathroom.   Well, I tried to quietly put them in the front seat on the passenger side, but they immediately woke up and meowed loudly wanting more food.   Well, I didn't have time to feed them again so they cried all the way to work. 

 My usual morning stop at the bank drive through was a little embarrassing as the teller heard the loud meowing and asked if that was kittens she heard.   I explained I was taking care of them and she wished me good luck.  Can you imagine what she thought!

I went to work and hauled everything in I would need for the day, extra towels, milk, my computer, day planner, etc.  I hurried to get the kittens milk warmed up in my microwave, fed them and they went to sleep.   However, every time they heard my voice they woke up so I had to put them in the far corner of my store and put a towel over them.  They slept until late afternoon.

The customers were very patient with me if they came in during feeding time.  One farmer said to his son, “This is something your mother would do!”  Others enjoyed showing their children the tiny baby kittens.   There was a Blackie, (black & grey); Spots, (black & white); Pewee, (the smallest black & white); Pebbles, (white and tan) and Bam Bam, (yellow and white).

My sister and her daughter stopped by Friday night and told me cow’s milk will constipate the kittens and that I should use evaporated milk diluted with water so I changed their formula.  I had wondered why there wasn't any ‘poop’. 

On Monday my friend Alice came to my store and found my dilemma so she went to a nearby grocery store and bought a bottle made for small animals and a can of kitten milk.   I was really grateful for her help as I hadn’t had any time to go shopping until I read the directions on the can of how I needed to stimulate their genitals to get them to go ‘poop’.    I read the directions again, in shock, thinking “No wonder they hadn’t pooped”!  Was I really up to the task?  Why did their mother have to die?  Do mother cats really lick their genitals?  What am I going to do?

I took them home after work and proceeded with the much undesired task.   I was not prepared for what was about to happen!  I took a Q-tip and stimulated their genitals and immediately they had the “Squirts!”    Out came the Clorox wipes and found myself cleaning up yellow runny ‘stuff’ all over my garage floor.   Exactly how long was I going to be doing this before they could use the kitty litter box!!

The diarrhea became an everyday occurrence so the towel had to be changed often but was I going to just throw the poopy towels away?  I couldn't put them in my washing machine.  Yuck!  However, I remembered I use to wash dirty diapers in my washing machine as our first two children were born before disposable diapers.  So I came up with a plan of hanging them on the clothesline and letting the sprinklers wash them.  This was a very good idea as by the time I got home from work they were clean and dry, so that became the daily task.

The next dilemma was deciding how to clean them.  Does the mother cat really do all this work?  So I decided the only thing to do was to bathe them under the warm water faucet.  They didn't like the water at first but after a couple of times they got use to the water and actually enjoyed getting all the crusty, dirty Yuk off.    Bathing became part of our routine morning and night.  The weather was hot so they dried quickly and settled down to sleep after their bath and feeding time.

We were just settling into a schedule for a few days and then my brother Kyle needed a ride to Boise to a doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and there were no other family members available to take him.  I was going to close my store for the parade as it was fair week anyway, so I decided I would just have to take the kittens and my brother on a road trip to Boise.    Have you ever stopped at a rest area and seen some strange woman feeding 5 baby kittens on the lawn?  Most people just glared at us as they walked by and others stopped to visit.

Trying not to be late to the doctor appointment, traffic and trying to keep the baby kittens from crawling out of their container made the trip a little stressful.  We arrived at the doctor’s office and when the vehicle doors opened the kittens woke up and immediately starting crying.  I had to hurry and feed them and since it was hot I put them under a tree on the lawn by my pickup and we went in to the appointment.    My thought was “I hope they are still here when I get back”!

I stayed with Kyle during the first part of his appointment which was about 45 minutes and then hurried to check on “my babies.”  Finding them all asleep and doing great was a huge relief.  I sat under the tree until my brother called to tell me he was done.    I went back to the doctor’s office for the final (I thought) diagnosis only to find out he needed to take another test which would last 2 to 3 hours and we would have to make another appointment.    After explaining we lived 2 hours away I persuaded them to try working him in the next day.  They looked at the schedule and said the computer was available at 9:00 a.m. the next morning.   Thanking them we left the office.  Now what?  No clothes, no overnight bag and not enough kitten milk to stay overnight but luckily we had family in Boise.

I called my daughter-in-law, Shauna to explain our dilemma and ask, “Can I spend the night with you, and bring my brother and 5 kittens and will you take me to a pet store to get milk for my kittens?”  Luckily she said, “Sure, come on over.”  Our two little grandsons loved the kittens and so again the kittens had a change in formula.  The least I could do was pay for dinner so we left the kittens in the back   of the pickup sleeping while we were in the restaurant.  After a delicious dinner we retired for the evening.

The next morning we arrived at the doctor’s office and while Kyle was taking his test I put the kittens under the tree, fed them again and decided I would make some important phone calls while I was waiting.  Remembering I needed to gas up the pickup, I quietly moved the kittens to the pickup discovering I had left the key on in the ignition and ran the battery down.    Only if I had paid attention and turned the key off after opening all the windows!

I sent a text to my son Shawn asking if he was too busy to help me start the pickup.  He replied, “Can’t come, in a meeting, be there after.”   I was so happy to see him and really grateful he had jumper cables!

Kyle finished his test, Shawn started my pickup, we stopped for gas and started our journey home.   The kittens didn’t sleep too well and kept climbing out of the plastic tub.  They also still had dysentery and I only had brought one extra towel but survived the trip home with only a couple of stops to feed them. 

Our son Ty who lives in Grantsville, Utah brought his family to visit for the weekend.  We were planning to take them to ‘Kid’s night at the rodeo”.  Getting home late from work I met them at the door as they were leaving.  I told them I would feed the kittens and come as soon as I could.  The rodeo was great!

The grand kids loved the kittens and were excited to help bottle feed them.    I took the kittens to work with me on Friday, had a busy day.  The kittens are now crawling out of their large plastic bowl so I put them in the bathroom at work with kitty litter in one corner and a clean towel in another corner and their food in another corner.  Well, they aren’t old enough to use the kitty litter, yet.

My girlfriend Pam stopped by my store and seeing my dilemma said, “Why didn't you call me?  I have a mother cat that is just weaning her kittens and I’ll bet she will take them!”  She scooped them up and took them home.    

I didn’t hear from her Friday night so I was thinking everything was going well and what a relief!  Early Saturday morning Pam called, “My mother cat rejected the kittens and I've ran out of milk.  You need to come and get them and take them to the vet as they have dysentery really bad.”   I’m thinking…”I think I know why a mother cat doesn't want more kittens after she has weaned hers!”

My household was a little chaotic with family there, so I opened the phone book and made an appointment at the Animal Medical Clinic.  My two granddaughters wanted to go so I drove to Pam’s house, warmed up some milk and hurried to feed them so I could take them to the vet.  Arriving at the Veterinary Clinic I usually go to the receptionist said, “You don’t have an appointment and the doctor is out of town.”  I asked where the Animal Medical Clinic was and they said, “It’s on the way to Rupert.”  We drove to that Animal Medical Clinic and were surprised when they said, “You don’t have an appointment here and the doctor is out of town!  This is the Rupert Animal Medical Clinic.”  I asked, “Where is the Animal Medical Clinic?”  They said, “It is on the highway going to Paul.”  I looked at the clock on their wall realizing I was going to be late.  The receptionist said she would call them and tell them I’m on my way.

Arriving at the correct Animal Medical Clinic I found the place was packed.  Everyone commented on my cute kittens.  The vet was awesome and treated them for an intestinal virus, gave them worming medicine and sent me home with Amoxicillin to give them twice daily.  My grand kids were amazed that it smelled just like the medicine they have taken before.  OK, now there is hope.  The dysentery should improve within 24 hours.  I could hardly wait.  How was I to know kittens don’t have diarrhea when they are young.   

The rest of the week-end was fun.  We took the kids to the fair on Saturday, went to church on Sunday and as our family left to go home Sunday afternoon they wished me good luck with the kittens!  I cleaned up and prepared for the work week.  This had been quite an eventful week and the kittens are getting older so it should get easier.  However, Spots and Blacking were losing their baby hair and going bald.  What was I doing wrong?  I looked on the internet and read that kittens under stress lose their hair and it will grow back.  I would laugh at Spots and say, “It’s a good thing I named you spots because I can see all the spots on your skin.  Blackie turned out to have grey and black spots.  She wasn't black at all.

Now the kittens don’t sleep as much, run all over the place, poop everywhere and still need to be bottle fed.  It was time for food!   A trip to Wal-mart proved to be successful after a half hour of reading labels and finding food that was for kittens, not adult cats.  They weren't old enough for dry food as it would break off their baby teeth so I purchased some canned cat food.   I also purchased scoop able kitty litter as I was determined to potty train them.   After all, they are about 3 ½ weeks old.

I learned quickly that they will not eat any food until they are ready and they do not potty train until they are old enough.  They slept in the kitty litter, pooped on the floor and refused to eat the canned food.   By Thursday morning I was so frustrated I drove them to the animal shelter on the way to work thinking, “I can’t do this anymore!”   The nice lady at the shelter informed me that they don’t take kittens until they are 8 weeks old.  Disappointed, I left the shelter and thought, “Gee, I wonder why! Will I ever do this again?  I’m not sure, but then would I have been able to let the kittens die?”

“Okay, I can do this,” I told myself as I’m driving to work.  “It’s a good thing I own my own business.”  I kept feeding them, bathing them, giving them medicine, cleaning up after them, washing towels and trying desperately to get them to eat the kitten food.   At 4 weeks old they started nibbling on the dry kitty food and I was excited.  I decided they were finally old enough to stay home during the day while I was at work.  The bottle feeding was done morning and night.   They nibbled on the dry food and were drinking a little water now.

Things were getting better and I felt like I was going to survive, until we had a really bad storm.  By the time I got home they were drenched.  I guess they weren't old enough to find shelter.  I opened the garage door and rescued them from the storm.  Spots was lying out in the middle of the patio, lifeless.  Thinking he was dead I took care of all the others, getting them dry and fed.  The rain was really coming down so I was planning to go get Spot when the rain quit.  About an hour later my husband turned on the porch light to see if the storm was letting up.  He called me saying, “Brenda, I think Spot is still alive!  I saw his paw move.” 

View 2013-10-06_19.22.33.jpg in slide show
I took a towel out and went out to check.  When I bent down Spots opened his eyes as if to say, “Save me!”  I burst into tears thinking I had left him out in the storm for over an hour and he was still alive.”  I wrapped him in a towel and brought him in on the back porch.  I tried to dry him off but he was soaking wet and stiff as a board.  I got my hair dryer and started blowing warm air on him.  I blew warm air on the towel and wrapped him up.  I had to keep changing the towel as it would get soaking wet.  I also took a medicine syringe and put warm milk down his throat.  For 2 hours I tried to revive him, not knowing if he would live.   His body started to move as it warmed up.  After 2 hours of warming him up, he lifted his head, perked up his ears and walked down the steps to join his siblings all huddled up together.  Yes, Spots lived and I am very attached to him.

At 5 weeks old they started eating the canned kitty food and weaned themselves off the milk.  The mail kittens lost their baby whiskers and are growing stiff sharp whiskers.  They also started using the kitty litter box.   I survived raising 5 baby kittens and more than ever appreciate all the work a mother cat does to take care of a litter of kittens.

September 14, 2013


I was going through my files and cleaning out drawers when I ran across this list of "Best Books for Children."  I sat back and thought, "I wonder how many children read books these days?"


Our children were in school during the 1970 and 1980's.  We made regular trips to the public library.  The children had library books to read from school also.  Each night before bedtime we sat on the living room couch and read for 15 minutes.  

I hope you enjoy this list of quality books and encourage your children and grandchildren to read everyday.

The Children's Literature Association, an International organization of teachers, librarians, authors and publishers have put together a list of the 10 children's books written in America in the past 200 years which are of the most enduring quality.  They are:

1.  Charlotte's Web, by E.B. White (all ages)

2.  Where the Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak (4-8 yrs)

3.  Tom Sawyer, by Mark Twain (10 and up)

4.  Little Women, by Louisa May Alcott (10 and up)

5.  The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain (10 and up)

6.  The Little House in the Big Woods, by Laura Ingalls Wilder (6 and up)

7.  Johnny Tremaine, by Esther Forbes (10 and up)

8.  The Wizard of Oz, by Frank Baum (8 and up)

9.  The Little House on the Prairie, by Laura Ingalls Wilder (6 and up)

10.  Island of the Blue Dolphins, by Scott O'Dell (12 and up) amd Julie of the Wolves, by Jean George (12 and up)  These two tied for 10th place.

The following list is from the 100 Best Books for Children.  
First Rhymes and pictures:

Picture Books (4 vol.) Randolph Caldecott, illustrator
ABC Bunny, Wanda Gag
Lavendar's Blue (Mother Goose), compiled by Kathleen Lines

Picture and Picture-Story Books:

Golden Goose Book by Leslie Brooke
Peter Rabbit series by Beatrix Potter
The Christ Child As Told by Matthew and Luke, Maud and Miska Petersham

First Fantasy-for Reading Aloud:

Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling
The Story of Doctor So-Little by Hugh Lofting
Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Lorenzini (pseud. C Collodi)
Mary Poppins by Pamela J. Travers

More Fantasy-beauty, wisdom and humor:

Peter Pan by Sir James M. Barrie
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Tales from America:

The Favorite Uncle Remus by Joel Chandler Harris
Yankee Doodle's Cousins by Anne Malcolmson
The Rootabagas Stories by Carl Sandburg

The World's Great Imaginative Literature:

The Fables of Aesop by Aesop
It's Perfectly True and Other Stories by Hans Chrisitian Andersen
Arabian Nights: Their Best-Known Tales edited by Kate Douglas Wiggen and Nora A. Smith

Children and Families:

Hans Brinker: Or, the Silver Skates by Mary Mapes Dodge
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
Swallows and Amazons by Arthur Ransome

"Funny" Books:

The Peterkin Papers by Lucretia Hale
Ben and Me by Robert Lawson
Homer Price by Robert McCloskey

Adventures in Strange Lands:

The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift

Fiction for Older Boys and Girls:

The Last of the Mohicans: A Narrative of 1757 by James Fennimore Cooper
They Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by James Verne

Great Lives and Great Events:

Daniel Boone by James H. Daugherty
George Washington's World by Genevieve Foster
Abe Lincoln Grows Up by Carl Sandburg

"An Inheritance of Poetry":

Complete Nonsense Book by Edward Lear
When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six by A.A. Milne
A Child's Garden of Verses by Robert Louis Stevenson

Great Religious Writings:

The Tree of Life by Ruth Smith

June 13, 2013


It seems like our family always does things at the same time, so we have been extremely busy the past two weeks, but enjoyed every minute!

Have you ever wondered how you got through a busy schedule?  Well, I am asking myself now, how did we do it?

Our sons' car broke down, had to be towed, and a different one purchased.

Our grandson had surgery in Utah so we went to help take care of the other 3 grandchildren left at home.

Then we flew to Texas and helped with the shopping, preparing meals, etc. and attended our grandsons High School Graduation and had a party after.

The next morning we attended a baby blessing of our first Great Grandson which was awesome!  and yes we are old enough!  Then had dinner after.

That evening we attended our grandson's Seminary Graduation which was awesome.  Great speakers and the music was wonderful.  The air conditioning wasn't working so we about melted but it was great.

The next day we flew back to Idaho and began catching up on water flowers, laundry etc. from being gone.  We also began preparing for another grandson and his future bride's celebration party on Friday night.  The wedding was Saturday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the Twin Falls Idaho Temple.  The ceremony was beautiful and many of our family members attended.    The reception was that evening.  The weather cooperated and it was great!

Sunday was up to the usual church meetings and dinner and a Sunday afternoon nap!  After our nap we had a 5 generation picture taken with great grandpa who is 95 years old.

The highlight of the last 13 days was when we received news that we have a new Great Granddaughter born June 11, 2013 in Japan and is so cute!

We are grateful for our blessings!  We added 3 new members to our family and had a wonderful 2 weeks!

How did we do it?  I'm not sure!



My husband read an article in the newspaper that was about calcium and how women need to take calcium supplements but men don't need extra calcium.

We did some research and decided to eliminate the calcium tablets from his daily routine of healthy foods and supplements.  He was surprised of how much better he felt.

This suggestion proved to be helpful so it is something worth trying!

Just a quick tip!


February 10, 2013


     2 gallon bucket with a lid
     Fels Naptha Soap
     Washing Soda (not baking soda)
     Mule-Team Borax
     Large pan

Put about 2 quarts of water in the large pan. Grate 1/3 bar of Fels Naptha Soap and add to the water.  Heat on low until the soap chunks are completely dissolved.  Stir in 1/2 cup Washing Soda and 1/2 cup borax.  Stir until dissolved and remove from heat.   Put in the 2 gallon bucket and add enough hot water to fill the bucket.  Mix well.  Continue mixing every hour or so to keep the soap from thickening.  If it thickens you can stir it back into a thick liquid.

LAUNDRY: Use 1/2 or 3/4 cup per load of laundry.  Add a stain booster for white clothes. Spray on stains and soak in water until stain lifts.

GENERAL CLEANING: Fill a spray bottle with the soap mixture using a narrow funnel.  Shake it as you use it to keep the soap in a liquid state.

Can be used to clean everything including carpet stains, crayon marks on walls, bugs on the front of your vehicle, marble, tile, and all washable surfaces, etc.

Happy Cleaning



Hidden sources of gluten can be found in many places. We must continue to be vigilant and cautious about our foods. Take notice of this recent recall issued by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

Recalling Firm: King's Delight, Gainesville, GA
  • Products Subject to Recall: 8-oz. cartons of "APPLEGATE® Naturals Gluten-Free Chicken Nuggets."
  • The establishment number "P-2617" can be found printed on the side of each carton.
  • The products were packaged on Sept. 19, 2012.
  • The lot number "210864" and the best before date "08/28/13" are printed on each carton's side panel.
  • The UPC code "25317-00556" is printed on the back of each carton.
Food Safety & Inspection Service Logo - http://www.fsis.usda.gov

Questions? Contact:
WAYS TO STAY CONNECTED WITH FSIS: Email Updates - http://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/USFSIS/subscribers/new
RSS Feeds - http://www.fsis.usda.gov/News_&_Events/Feeds/index.asp
Visit us on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/USDAFoodSafety
Visit us on YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/user/USDAFoodSafety
Visit us on Flickr -http://www.flickr.com/photos/usdagov/collections/72157625079142273/
Visit our Blog - http://blogs.usda.gov/category/food-safety/


Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN

The Latest Statistics:
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is the most common abdominal complaint patients suffer from. Although the frequency of Celiac Disease with IBS is about 1%, the frequency of
Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity with IBS is over 30%.
If you have any questions, please email Karen@theDr.com.

Thanks to a friend who sent me this article!

January 21, 2013



Cream together:
2/3 C butter, softened
3/4 C sugar

Combine and Mix: 
1 2/3 C warmed milk and mix in 3 eggs

Combine and Mix:
1 1/3 Cup GF All Purpose Flour, 2 C cornmeal, 4 1/2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp salt

Add flour mixture alternately with egg mixture to creamed butter and sugar mixture.
Pour into 13-in. x 9-in. x 2-in. baking pan.  Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 to 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean and the top is lightly browned.  Cut into squares and serve warm with honey butter or jam.