
Use the articles in my blog or on my web site at your own risk. The author is not a doctor and has no medical background or training. Statements and information regarding any products within this blog are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease or health condition. See your health care provider for diagnosis and treatment of any medical concerns you have and before implementing any diet, supplement, exercise or other lifestyle changes.

December 26, 2011

Arthritis and Joint Pain

Cold weather helps to awaken the aches and pains in your joints. Combat those pesky pains with an easy two-step system that will have you back on your feet in no time.

It’s common to feel powerless and out of options when it comes to arthritis and joint pain. The pain can, at times, be unbearable and affect every aspect of your life. But, believe it or not, one of the keys to pain relief with arthritis may be found in getting up and getting active.

According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise can help relieve pain and stiffness in your joints and muscles.  And that’s not the only benefit you’ll get from regular exercise. It can also help strengthen your bones, give you more energy throughout the day and make it easier to get quality sleep at night. That’s important, considering one in five people have doctor-diagnosed arthritis, according to the CDC.

Here’s a look at the types of exercises that can make a difference for your arthritis and joint health.

Range of Motion and Stretching Exercises

According to the Arthritis Foundation, stretching and range of motion exercises are the most important type of exercise you can get if you suffer from arthritis and chronic joint pain, and should be done nearly every day. Range of motion and stretching exercises can be particularly helpful in the morning after you get out of bed, when your joints are probably at their most stiff and painful.

Spend 10 to 15 minutes gently stretching and moving your problem joints. For example, if you have arthritis in your wrists and hands, do simple stretching exercises by slowly opening and closing your hand and stretching out your fingers. Move your wrist gently in multiple directions. You can even try doing these exercises while in the bath or while relaxing in a hot tub to help warm up your joints and muscles.

Tai Chi and low impact (restorative) Yoga

If you’re looking for a more organized or group version of stretching and range of motion exercises, try activities like low impact yoga or Tai Chi. Both of these forms of exercise provide great benefits for arthritis and joint pain sufferers. Tai Chi, in particular, can help sufferers of painful knee osteoarthritis. These ancient Chinese arts combine slow rhythmic movements with meditation. Tai Chi helps both your local pain and inflammation while boosting the painkillers (Endorphins) in your brain. Low impact yoga not only helps stretch and strengthen your muscles and tendons, but can also complement a weight-loss program to take some of the pressure off your joints due to the extra weight you may be carrying around. Contact your local health club, YMCA or other gym to inquire about low impact (beginning) yoga or tai chi classes in your area.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise is any type of activity that increases your heart rate over an extended period of time.

Aerobic exercise provides numerous health benefits, like strengthening your cardiovascular system, improving your endurance and helping you control your weight. That can be a plus, considering people who are overweight are twice as likely to have or develop osteoarthritis.

Biking is one of the best and most gentle ways to pump joint fluid full of nutrients to your cartilage.

First – get on an exercise bike and just spin the pedals without any intensity or resistance (set level at 1). Make sure the seat height is such that at the

bottom position your knee is almost but not quite fully extended. Modify if this position is painful for you. The reason for starting with an exercise bike is to Exercise Away Your Joint Pain and Arthritis.

You can set the resistance to virtually zero which is difficult on a regular bike and it’s easier to monitor how fast your spinning. Once you become stronger you can move onto a regular outdoor bike. Even if you can only do a few minutes- work your way up slowly, once your pain level decreases, slowly start increasing the intensity or resistance.

Walking daily helps reduce inflammation and pain by moving your knees joint. Start slowly and see if you can build up to a ½ to 1 hour. Do not walk through pain –this actually makes the pain inflammation cycle worse.  No pain - no gain doesn’t work for those with knee pain. 

Swimming is wonderful because you can exercise with less than your full bodyweight. Be careful though because the kicking may flare your knee pain. Modify your kick so you have no knee pain. One can also walk and run in the water as a way of circulating joint fluid.  You may be limited in the types of aerobic activities you can do with your arthritis or chronic joint pain.

Be sure to start slow and choose activities that are realistic for your condition.

Strength Training

You don’t need to become a bodybuilder or even hit the weight room at the gym to do strength training exercises. In fact, these types of exercises may seem especially intimidating for someone with chronic joint pain like arthritis. Resistance bands, for example, can help strengthen your muscles without the bulk and hassle of using free weights or weight machines. For example, you can attach one end of a resistance band to a doorknob, grab the other end with your hand and pull on the resistance band to perform arm strengthening exercises.  Be sure to rest the muscles you strength train for at least one day after exercising. Your muscles need time to rest and repair themselves in between strength training sessions. Take an extra day of rest if your joints seem extra painful or swollen.

Exercise Tips

Exercise is most effective when it’s done on a consistent basis. That’s why it’s important to find types of exercises that you really enjoy. Whether it’s taking a walk in the evenings with your companion, strapping on the rollerblades and hitting the local park path or enjoying a game of racquetball with a friend, doing something that’s fun for you will make it more likely that you’ll get moving on a regular basis.  If you haven’t exercised in a while, start slowly. Don’t try to do too much too quickly. If you do, you could end up with an arthritis flare-up, find yourself exhausted too quickly or even end up with an injury. Talk to a certified personal trainer for appropriate types of exercise for your condition, age and physical abilities.

For those who suffer from extreme and chronic pain making exercise impossible, the first step is pain management. There are natural products available for pain management. To help ease the common aches and pains associated with exercise, be sure to apply the powerful pain relief of Ageless Pain Relief™ Cream from Isagenix. With its unique combination of natural ingredients, it helps to warm and then cool your aching joints and muscles to help you recover from a long workout. In addition, Ageless JointSupport™ tablets provide triple-action power to protect, rejuvenate and soothe your joints over time. No other pain relief product provides the same one-two punch as the Isagenix Joint and Pain Relief System.

So get out there and get active, and support your joints with the power of Ageless Joint Support™ and AgelessPain Relief™ Cream. It may be the best thing you ever did for your arthritis or chronic joint pain.

 Health & Happiness!


December 22, 2011

Hormone Imbalance Solutions

Hormones are real.  As women cycle every month their hormone levels change daily.  I started writing how I felt on the calendar every day of the month-feel like crying; drop everything I touch; craving chocolate; craving different foods;  happy today; no emotions; feeling loved; feeling like I don't have a friend; feeling overwhelmed; want to be outside; want to change my furniture; hate the clutter; want to cook, etc.  Then the next month I would know what I would feel like so I prepared for the day.  Better not clean today as I will drop everything I touch.  I am going to cry today for no reason.  It really helped me to understand  that my hormone levels are real.

I talked to my doctor about what to do and he told me a story of a man who brought his wife in for an appointment.  He explained to the doctor that she insisted on getting a new leather couch, so after a few months of arguing about getting a new couch, he gave in and purchased a beautiful brown leather couch.  The next day upon returning from work, he found she had taken a kitchen knife and had stabbed holes all over the couch.  He didn't know what to do!  She was never happy!  Her hormones were way out of control!  

As we age, critical hormone imbalances can contribute to accelerated aging and heighten the risk of cancers and other chronic diseases.  Hormone replacement therapy using natural hormones instead of synthetic look a likes may be the best solution.

Cancer, osteoporosis, disturbed sleep, depression and obesity are some of the diseases that can happen when the hormone levels decline.  Topical hormone creams are more effective than other creams without penetration enhancers.  Hormones that decline with age include, DHEA, melatonin, testosterone and progesterone.  Estrogens can also drop with age, although not as quickly as progesterone, which creates an estrogen dominant condition common in women over 40.  Cortisol, sometimes referred to as the death hormone, increases with age, contributing to a number of age related problems.

Patented synthetic imposters of human hormones are very different biochemically than the natural hormones found in plants and in the human body and their effects can be hazardous to health.  Long term use of these synthetic hormones has been linked with dramatically higher risks of heart disease, ovarian cancer, breast cancer and osteoporosis.  Natural hormones cannot be patented.

Some of the Symptoms are:

Low Hormone Levels:


Disturbed Sleep



Cortisol increases with age:

High blood pressure

Abdominal obesity

Blood sugar imbalances

Lowering cortisol levels not only increases immunity but also increases insulin sensitivity and enhances fat metabolism.

Andropause: Menopause in Men; Declining Testosterone and DHEA:

Loss of sexual desire

Lower strength (shrinking muscles)

Reduced energy


Increased anxiety

Thinning hair


Prostate problems (restricted urine flow, sexual performance, etc.)

Low in Melatonin:

Lowered immunity

Disturbed sleep cycles

Heightened cancer risk

Low in DHEA:

Lower energy

Central obesity


Treats osteoporosis, heart disease, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and benign prostate hyperplasia

Estrogen Dominance:

Approaching menopause, have estrogen dominance, due to low progesterone which leads to osteoporosis, mood swings, depression, weight gain, increased risk of breast, endometrial cervical and uterine cancers.

Pre Menopausal:

Estrogen deficiency and heart disease

CAUTION:  Before commencing any regimen of natural supplements you should have your hormone levels tested and evaluated by a health care professional or a reliable laboratory which specializes in saliva hormone tests.  Hormone therapy is complex and is critical  that any deficiencies be correctly identified before supplementation is initiated.

Accurate at home testing can be done through an affordable laboratory for the following hormones:

          Progesterone                            DHEA

          Estradiol                                  Estrone

          Estriol                                     Testosterone


After you receive your test results you will know more about which product you need.

My hormone levels have changed several times during my life and I have tried many supplements over the years.  I have experienced many of the symptoms listed above.
Hormone changes through school, college, wedding, pregnancy, delivery of children, milk production, weight gain, weight loss, hair loss, hair growth, toddlers, children growing up, sickness, funerals, graduations, weddings, grandchildren.  The cycle of life continues and we need to be emotionally, spiritually, physically and mentally balanced to get through each stage of our lives.  

I started menopause at age 40 and was not prepared as I didn’t know anything about what was happening to me.  I was moody, had disturbed sleep, started gaining unexplained weight and bloating, had hot flashes, menstrual irregularity, cramps, heavy flowing, made poor decisions and was driving my family crazy.  I would go shopping and forget what I needed so I picked up a gallon of milk and came home.  My sweet husband asked, "Didn't you just buy milk yesterday?"  I grumbled at him and opened the fridge to see 3 gallons of milk on the shelf.  Did I buy milk yesterday?  It was a scary feeling.  I knew I needed to see my doctor.

I started using the synthetic hormone prescribed by my doctor and kept reading the information packet that came with the pills about all the side effects that could happen.  After two years I decided to look for another possible solution.

I began my search for a product that could replace the synthetic hormone with a natural hormone.  I went to the local nutrition center and every ‘natural’ product I looked at had urea in it.  Did I really want to take an animal by-product?  I used the Natural Balancing Cream made by Arbonne and loved it until they started putting wheat in it.  I developed a rash as I am gluten free.  I also have taken Progessence Oil from Young Living. Then I started using LiquiVive Vitamins and my hormone levels are  more balanced and am through menopause so my hormones are balanced.

Find a doctor who understands women and hormone levels and  choose the oil or cream that best suits your needs.   Hormone imbalances are real.  Men also go through mid-life changes in their hormones.  

December 18, 2011

PMS - Menopause - It is Real!

Menopause - Is it real or a myth?

I can tell you from personal experience that menopause is real.

Everyone is different and experiences different symptoms. That's why one pill or cream doesn't work for everyone. After several years of suffering from several of the symptoms and not realizing what was happening I began to study the affects that can happen when women start going through the 'Change of Life' as my grandmother use to call it.

At what age does menopause symptoms start?

I started at age 40 and some don't start until they are in the late 60's or early70's. Some women breeze right through and some, like me, suffer a lot.

I was not prepared for this and had no idea what PMS was or that it could start so early.   I went through several years of  dealing with insomnia, unexplained weight gain, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, loss of memory, bladder problems, mood swings, breast tenderness, heavy bleeding, puffiness, bloating, abnormal pap tests and hot flashes and night sweats.  Some days I cried over everything, dropped everything I touched, had days when I was angry at the whole world, and yet would have good days here and there.  The story about the husband who comes home from work, throws his hat in the backdoor, and knows he shouldn’t enter when the hat comes flying back at him describes how our household was.  My patient husband would put his arms around me and ask, “Is this PMS or what?”  He asked the doctor about PMS when he went in for his CDL physical.  The doctor told him a story about a man who made an appointment with him to discuss his wife’s mood swings.  His story goes like this: my wife wanted a new brown leather couch.  I bought the couch.  The next day I came home from work and found she had taken a butcher knife to the couch and cut the leather into shreds with a stabbing motion and he didn’t know what to do.  Would the doctor please help him?

I began studying and researching about PMS and learning that these symptoms were real and were not caused by my normal personality and I didn’t have any control over how I felt.  I decided to take the estrogen prescription from the doctor after my sons wedding June of 1996.  I took the estrogen for 2 years and in reading about all the side effects this medicine could cause I began searching for a natural hormone and found DHEA which I decided to try.  Then I started researching DHEA and found this information on the Mayo Clinics Web site: 

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is an endogenous hormone (made in the human body), and secreted by the adrenal gland. DHEA serves as precursor to male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30, and are reported to be low in some people with anorexia, end-stage kidney disease, type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent diabetes), AIDS, adrenal insufficiency, and in the critically ill. DHEA levels may also be depleted by a number of drugs, including insulin, corticosteroids, opiates, and danazol.

There is sufficient evidence supporting the use of DHEA in the treatment of adrenal insufficiency, depression, induction of labor, and systemic lupus erythematosus.

No studies on the long-term effects of DHEA have been conducted. DHEA can cause higher than normal levels of androgens and estrogens in the body, and theoretically may increase the risk of prostate, breast, ovarian, and other hormone-sensitive cancers. Therefore, it is not recommended for regular use without supervision by a licensed health professional.

While using DHEA for about 2 years, my facial hairs increased, so now I have a mustache and a few whiskers that I have to pluck out or shave, but my mood swings did level out so I felt like this helped.  When I read the risk of taking DHEA I decided to do more research for another natural hormone that didn’t have side effects.  I went to our local health food store and read every label on every cream that was on their shelf at that time.  Every natural hormone product contained the ingredient ‘UREA’.  I didn’t know what this was, so with a little more research I discovered the following information from the free online medical dictionary:

urea (u-re´ah)

1. the chief nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism, formed in the liver from amino acids and from ammonia compounds; found in urine, blood, and lymph.

2. a pharmaceutical preparation of urea used to lower intracranial or intraocular pressure, to induce abortion, and as a topical skin moisturizer.ure´al

3. a by-product of protein metabolism that is formed in the liver. Because urea contains ammonia, which is toxic to the body, it must be quickly filtered from the blood by the kidneys and excreted in the urine.

Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

urea (Å«rÄ“´),

n a water-soluble compound that is the primary constituent of urine.


n gram-negative eubacteria from the family Mycoplasmataceae that serve as a hydrolitic for urea. The bacteria do not have cell walls.

Mosby's Dental Dictionary, 2nd edition. © 2008 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. the diamide of carbonic acid found in urine, blood and lymph, the chief nitrogenous constituent of urine, and the chief nitrogenous end product of protein metabolism; it is formed in the liver from amino acids and from ammonia compounds.

2. a pharmaceutical preparation of urea occasionally used to lower intracranial pressure.

3. industrial urea is used as a fertilizer and feed additive for ruminants. Overfeeding or accidental access to large amounts can cause fatal poisoning.

urea cycle

see urea cycle.

urea cycle enzyme deficiency

urea hydrogen peroxide

see carbamide peroxide.

urea nitrogen

the urea concentration of serum or plasma, conventionally specified in terms of nitrogen content and called blood urea nitrogen (BUN), an important indicator of renal function.

urea poisoning

causes tremor, dyspnea, abdominal pain, incoordination, bellowing, convulsions and death in 2 to 4 hours. Due to hyperammonemia.

Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 3 ed. © 2007 Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved

hyperosmotic agent

A drug that makes blood plasma hypertonic thus drawing fluid out of the eye and leading to a reduction in intraocular pressure. It is used in solution in the treatment of angle-closure glaucoma and sometimes before surgery to decrease the intraocular pressure. Common agents include glycerin (glycerol), isosorbide, mannitol and urea. See hypertonic solution.

Do we really want to take all these so called “natural hormone products”?  I didn’t know what to do.  The doctor had told me I was to young to go into menopause and I needed to start taking birth control pills or I could have osteoporosis, breast cancer, ovarian cancer etc. etc.   I asked him exactly what would happen if I started the birth control pills.  He said my uterus would enlarge and I would start having menstrual cycles again.   I looked at him and said, “Would you want to have cycles again after 3 years?”

The doctor did a bone scan and found my bones to by strong because I exercise and take 1500 mg of calcium daily along with a one-a day vitamin, have 2 to 3 servings of milk or yogurt, eat fruit, vegetables and meats. 

I was looking for a hormone supplement while going through the commercial building at the Minidoka Fair in August of 2001.  I saw the Pyhto Prolief on the display and noticed the words “Natural Balancing Cream”.  I did some research through the Arbonne Website, called the doctor on staff in their corporate office to make sure the ingredients were all natural and have no side effects.  I decided to try it.

I started with the PROLIEF (Blue Label) but didn’t see much improvement so I switched to the PHYTO PROLIEF (Green Label) and within the first week started feeling better.  I became more tolerant, not angry, no mood swings, could sleep better, didn’t make stupid purchases at the store, remembered better, was more organized and could function and most of all could handle the normal stresses of life better.  (My family was surprised to have me back to somewhat normal)

As the years have passed now I only take the cream once in the mornings instead of twice a day.  While I was having night sweats, I took the cream both morning and night. 

My daughter has epileptic seizures.  Two weeks out of the month the seizures were worse so we decided they were worse the two weeks after she ovulates.  (She had a hysterectomy several years before but they left her ovaries.)  I sent her both creams and she took them to her doctor.  He told her to take the PROLIEF for the first three weeks of the month and then take the PHYTO PROLIEF the fourth week of the month and to not take them together.  He increased her medication also and she is doing much better with just a little seizure activity, such as muscle twitching but she is able to continue her daily activities.  She has to be in bed at the same time every night, and take other precautions too, especially with herbs that people with epilepsy can’t have. (That is another topic)

My sister had endometriosis, cramping, bloating, heavy bleeding etc. for several years.  Two years ago she had cervical and colon cancer.  After recovering from surgery her doctor did blood work and found her hormone level to be normal with no sign of endometriosis.  The doctor told her to keep doing whatever she was doing because it was working.  She has used the PROLIEF for several years.  She also started her daughter on the cream as the doctor wanted to put her on birth control pills and she is only 12.  She seems to be handling life a lot better.

I would encourage anyone having similar problems to seek the advice of your doctor.  Research out the medicine and supplements before taking them and try different things until you find what works best for you.  We are all different and what works for me might not work for you.  I have used the Arbonne Natural Balancing Cream for 8 years and love it, but in 2010 they added wheat as an ingredient and since I have Celiac Sprue I had to go on another search for a different product.

I decided to investigate Topical Hormone Products with Young Living Essential Oils.  I looked at DoTera Oils but they didn’t have what I was looking for. 

Young Living Essential Oils have 10 different products so you can choose the one that best fits your symptoms.   The Progressence Oil is for women over 40; having hot flashes; are depressed, have bloating and weight gain; Excessive bone loss and Risk of cancer.  I ordered the oil and have been very pleased with the results.  My husband doesn’t every want me to run out of a hormone product and doesn’t care about the cost.  I am much easier to live with now and would recommend the oils for everyone.

It is very important to study out your symptoms and get an oil that works well for you. 


Brenda Bailey

December 17, 2011

Shopping Gluten Free

Changing your pantry, refrigerator and freezer to Gluten Free can be quite expensive.  I have spent a lot of money on foods that didn't taste good or cook quite right.  Now there are so many more food items that taste good so I have decided to post pictures of a lot of the food items I purchase that are gluten free.  There are many more items than I use but hopefully this will get you started. (Ask your accountant about deducting the difference of the cost of the food on your taxes.)

If you have family members that are not Gluten Free you will need to cook two separate meals as the gluten free food is more expensive.  Over time you will learn how to purchase Gluten Free items and it will be a natural way of eating and cooking.  Trust me, I have been doing this for over 30 years. 

The most important thing to remember is to concentrate on what you "Can" eat instead of what you "Can't" eat.

Also, it is very important to get the vitamins, minerals and amino acids that you need every day along with the protein, fiber, 'good' oil and fat, starch, milk, fruits, vegetables and non-starch foods.  Sounds complicated?  

Eating "Gluten Free" becomes a way of life and I believe this is how God intended human's to eat.  All the processed foods, loaded with saturated fats and calories, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, coffee, etc. etc. just make us sick.  

It only takes 1 crumb of gluten to make a person sick that has Celiac Sprue.  A crumb on the butter plate or knife or just a taste can make you so sick.   Although the only cure is to obstain from eating gluten, I am grateful we don't have to take an expensive medicine, or die because there is no cure. 

Pictures of Food Products I Use The Most

Happy Shopping - Gluten Free

I only use butter with cream and salt as the only ingredients.  There are several brand names to choose from.

Bob Red Mill Wonder Bread Mix
Use a 2 lb bread baker or mix by hand
It turns out the same everytime and is moist
Makes wonderful sandwiches, grilled cheese, grilled tuna,
french toast etc.  (I use 3 eggs and powdered milk)

Fiber Snacks by Isagenix are my favorite snack.  They have only been available for a few months and I love them. 
They contain 19 g Carbohydrate, 6 g Dietary Fiber, 2 g Insoluble Fiber, 6 Sugars, 6 Protein 
Fiber Snacks contain peanuts, milk and soybean ingredients but produced on equipment that also processes tree nuts, egg, wheat and sesame.  I called the company and they are guaranteed gluten but have to put that statement on the package incase there is a trace left after cleaning the machiner. 
Lundberg Rice is a Gourmet Blend of Wild and Premium Brown Rices
I like it for breakfast or a snack with milk and sugar substitute
This rice gives you a variety instead of always eating white rice 
Blue Diamond Nut-Thins are another option for crackers
There are several brands of
Gluten Free Macaroni
and they all taste about the same
Namaste Foods Pizza Crust Mix. 
There are other brands that are good also
Goldbaums Ice Cream Cones
A Very Good Treat!
Use a Gluten Free Ice Cream
DeBoles Rice Lasagna is good
Mrs. Leepers Corn Spaghetti
(I like corn better than rice noodles as they have more flavor)
Progresso Soup has 3 flavor that are Gluten Free - OrgraN has gluten free Spaghetti
Maitre Jacques Raspberry Vinegar; Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce; La Choy Soy Sauce; Regina Red Wine Vinegar are all Gluten Free
Snickers Ice Cream Bars are a fun treat
Kraft Foods only puts the allergy foods on their labels. 
If there are no allergy foods listed they are allergy free
Brown Rice Syrup, Agave and Truvia are my favorite sweetners
Albertsons brand of Onion Soup Mix is Gluten Free
You can add it to sour cream for a chip dip
Pacific and Kitchen Basics have products that are gluten free. 
The tomato soup is really good.
Use the Chicken and Beef Stock in any recipe calling for broth
Glutino makes these crackers that are good
Saf-Instant yeast is a gluten free yeast that I like to use
It is added to the flour instead of the water and is easy to use
Watch the flavorings-The Natural Flavorings
can come from barley or wheat
I like to use Pure Flavorings without alcohol
Annie's make Macaroni Pasta with Cheddar Cheese
Thai brand soups have a few flavors
that are gluten free - Watch The Labels

Betty Crocker has 4 mixes on the cake isle
Chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownies, and Cake 
Pamela's is a good brand and has many different products.
Udi's Pizza Crusts, Muffins and Granola
A Real Treat!
Bisquick Mix makes light and fluffy muffins
Bob Red Mill has a 13 Bean Soup Mix that doesn't contain Barley
Make Soup or Chili for lots of protein, Add ground beef for extra protein
Schar Table Crackers
I use them in place of soda crackers

Nature Valley Almond Crunck is Gluten Free - A nice snack

Add caption
Vitafustion Fiber Gummes add
fiber to your diet - These are gluten free
McCormick has Pure Extract
Dried Fruit is a nice snack
Doritos - Cool Ranch and Toasted Corn are Gluten Free
Regular chips, corn chips etc. are also Gluten Free
Corn Chex, Rice Chex, Krispix, Corn Flakes and Rice Krispies are all Gluten Free
I use them as a stape in substitutes for meat loaf and coating on chicken.
I put the corn flakes in a zip lock back and crush them with a rolling pin
I stick to the brand names that have "Gluten Free" on the package.
I make Rice Krispies Treats with Kraft Marshmellows and real butter

I only use Tuna Fish that has contains
 Tuna, Water and Salt

Pure Crystal Light has no artifical flavors, no preservatives
and is sweetened with Sugar and Truvia.  It is a Kraft Product
and has Gluten Free on the side of the box.  Added to water makes
a great nutritious drink.  It comes in grape, lemon and strawberry.
I usually find it at Albertsons in Burley.